Xantarra: Love Investigator

Hi Woozen friends,

It's me Xantarra, and I bring you the tea (Or gossip? At this point I'm confused with all the names).

I have gathered information from Sowilo, Plush, and Miss Miraje regarding the story of Jack, Mack, and Nora.

It is important to share information with others, so I am now sharing this story with everyone.

Years ago, Nora was in love with her best friend Jack.

However, Jack was young and too focused on his hobbies, failing to realize that the love of his life was right beside him.

Meanwhile, Mack was in love with Nora despite being aware of her feelings toward his brother.

Nora agreed to go on a date with Mack.

However, when Jack learned about it, he realized he was losing his life's love and his longtime best friend and workshop partner.

Jack struggled to find the courage to speak with Nora, as it would mean hurting his brother's feelings, which weighed heavily on him.

Mack didn't date Nora, thinking she was trying to replace his twin brother.

He left Woozworld and now travels, works, and studies.

Jack was hesitant to open up to Nora about his emotions because he feared losing her as a friend, believing he had already pushed his brother away.

Mack has returned to Woozworld to assist a producer in organizing a significant music event in August.

But, according to Miss Miraje, this is not his only motive. He plans to ask Nora out on a date!

The brothers plan to avoid a fight over Nora by both asking her out and letting her choose.

I suggested a fashion show to settle their issue - but that's just my Zyxalarian humor speaking.

Honestly, I feel like we've become so attached to this love story that we can't just leave it to chance.

Why don't we lend a hand and offer some assistance?

I heard that both brothers are attempting to find the ideal present to ask Nora out on a date.

Perhaps we could assist them! Let's meet at the Milky Way Coffee and embark on our first adventure.

I am soooo thrilled about it!

Be EXTRA-terrestrial!


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