Woozworld 14.4 Update

Hey, Woozens!

Welcome to Woozworld update 14.4! If you haven't updated your mobile app yet, go get the new version, it should be available now (or in the next few hours) on all App Stores. A lot of cool stuff in this one, make sure to read everything below!

Advanced Customizable User Interface (BETA)

After reading all your very constructive feedback and comments about the new Beta UI, we're very happy to bring you in this new update a new big change: you are now able to select the Layout Mode you prefer for EACH window individually, and switch between each mode easily as you need it, depending on what you're doing or on which device you're playing.

In the corner of each window you will now find a new button that will open a list of the layout modes available for this window:

Most windows are now available in Standard mode, Fullscreen mode, or Side-panels mode (Side-panel is my favorite!). Side-panels are very useful when you still need to see what's going on in the Unitz, for example when playing a Theme or Fashion game and you need your Closet open. Or if you want to browse the Marketplace while chatting with other people. Then you can switch back to Fullscreen mode when you really need to focus on your outfit without getting distracted!

See a few example of the Closet and Marketplace in different modes:

Standard Closet

Fullscreen Closet

Side-panel Closet

Standard Marketplace

Fullscreen Marketplace

Side-panel Marketplace

A few rare windows can even be set as a bottom-panel or top-panel, like the Actions window:


If you haven't turned on the option to get all BETA features automatically, you simply need to go to Woozworld Settings -> BETA Features and activate the "Allow window layout selection" option:

Tell us in the comments or feedbacks which modes you prefer for each window!

Remember that you can continue to send your feedback about the new BETA User Interface in by filling this survey here, help us make it better :)


Quick Chat

New Beta feature that lets you pre-write and save any number of chat messages and group them by categories. Then use them as needed simply by tapping on them. SUPER useful for Games & Events hosts, as well as any messages you need to repeat too often. Mobile app users will LOVE it, makes it much easier and faster to chat!

Start by making sure you turn ON the new option in the BETA Features:

and you'll see the new feature appear in your Main Menu:

You can customize the Quick Chat messages as you want! You can create as many messages and categories as you wish. Please note that your Quick Chat messages are shared by all your profiles and accounts on the same server, BUT are saved on your own device (browser or mobile app), so they won't be shared if you play on multiple different devices.


Grabz Preview

You can now preview the content of ANY GRABZ before opening it, to see how well the items will fit on you (you can even preview with your color codes!), or how the Posez & MoveZ actually look!

Mobile app users: this also lets you finally see how each item in the Grabz are named!


Long-press to open Profiles

You can now open anyone's profile (yours or other Woozens) by using long-press on their avatar.



  • UI: Marketplace: Moved your wallet to the bottom of the window, to be visible even with the offers opened
  • UI: Improved many layout issues / placement
  • Improved grouping of certain items in Crafting Tables to be easier to browse (Profile Themes together, etc.)
  • Fixed an issue where wiring Vector Pods in a certain way could lock you out of your Unitz

Woozworld Staff

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