Woozworld 10.7 Update


Woozworld 10.7 is rolling out, for both web and app users! This update is mostly to get ready for a new feature coming next week, but in the meantime we wanted to let you know we heard you: you can now choose whichever walk animation you prefer to see in the game.

Choose the walk animation you prefer

In Settings -> Woozworld Experience -> Default walk cycle, you can now choose if you prefer to use the Legacy Walk (the old one we originally had) or New Walk (the one we had for mobile app). All existing web users have automatically been switched to the Legacy Walk, but if you preferred the new one, don't worry you can switch back to it at any time.

Please note this only affects how YOU see everyone walking (not how THEY see you walking).

Bug fixes / General improvements

  • Also includes a bunch of smaller bug fixes and improvements not listed here

We hope you enjoy our latest improvements! Stay tuned for something new coming next week!

Woozworld Staff

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