Woozworld 10.1 Update and Mobile News!
We've launched an update this morning bringing us to Woozworld version 10.1. Again, thank you for your feedback and bug reports that you've sent; they've been very helpful to make the Woozworld experience better. Please continue to send them! Starting today, you'll be able to attach screenshots when reporting bugs so you can show us exactly what the issue is.
One thing before we jump into the change log below. We wanted to update you on the Dev team's next major project: releasing Woozworld 10 on mobile! Yes, every new feature/optimization/improvement that we previously announced and released for Woozworld 10 will also come to the app. We still have a lot of work to do before it's ready, so be patient. This update will be available later this year.
Now for the change log for Woozworld 10.1:
General improvements
- Improved the inbox to show every message instead of the 25 most recent and adjusted the size of the window for easier functionality
- Added ability to delete multiple messages as well mark as read with a single button
- Adjusted more optimizations to be lighter to run on laptops and smaller computers
- To further assist with optimizing, we added a Change Woozworld Size option at the top. This allows you to make the Woozworld view smaller in your browser. The smaller it is the better it should run:
- Added an easier and more intuitive way to delete shortcuts you created in your Custom HUD: simply drag them to the Eraser icon that will show up in the middle of the screen
- Adjusted how your profile picture is framed to be exactly like before (you'll need to update your profile picture to see the new one)
- You can now WoozUp and Favorite items in the ShopZ, even when they're sold-out
- Fixed a bug where windows would get stuck or hidden when you opened Chat History, resized your browser or changed the scale of Woozworld
- Changed the Main Menu to not auto close when accidentally moving your mouse out of the menu before selecting. Clicking will close the menu.
- Added SymbZ effect information so you know how long the effect lasts and how long it takes to recharge
- Added reporting to FrameZ
- Many smaller usability improvements
Other Bug fixes
- Fixed the Colorable filter in the Marketplace to work as expected
- Fixed a few issues in Closet when switching between Inventory and Shopz sections and changing colors on garments
- Fixed an issue where you could see the Empty button in other users ShopPods
- Fixed an issue where the quantity left of limited items didn't update properly after purchasing
- Many smaller bug fixes
We hope you enjoy our latest improvements. Keep at it Woozens!
Woozworld Staff