Woozens n Wizards: Take Down The Punisher

WnW-lovin' Woozens,

There is some MAJOR tea being spilt. Apparently YetiLand's famous rollercoaster, The Punisher, is a lot more advanced than we thought!

Miss Miraje is on the hunt for some extreeeeemely brave Woozens to save Woozworld from the hands of The Punisher! Before you run straight into danger, we know just how important it is to work together! Safety in numbers, we always say!

First things first, you'll need to choose a WnW Race AND Class before adventuring into the unknown!

What are the Races and Classes, you wonder? Well, Miss Miraje has got all the answers for you! Check out your Quest Journal and go meet Miss Miraje to get the full scoop!

Seems a liiiiiittle too convenient that The Punisher decided to bring total chaos and destruction to Woozworld juuuust in time for Halloween, dontcha think?

Anyway.... There is no time to waste! Login to Woozworld and meet up with Miss Miraje!

Good luck, Woozens!

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