WoozNews : March 27 - April 1st

Hello Woozens!

Here's what to expect in the coming week! 

Monday : Last day to vote for your favorite Inner Mon-Star! Don't miss it!

Tuesday : Sowilo is back to try your best game Unitz! Don't miss her animation at 3:30 PM WT. New weekly Quiz, come and give it a try

Wednesday : Star of the Week, who will be the winner this time? Don't forget to vote!

Thursday: You love it and continue to attend in large numbers. Treasure Thursday is here!

Friday : It's time to enter the Magic Folk contest! 

Saturday: After some small technical problems, we'll try again the Top of the Week! This is the time to tell us what you like most about the new clothes.

Sunday: April 1st, Who loves fish?

Are you ready for this amazing week? Because we are!


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