WoozNewZ: November 26 - December 2

Hiihiiii Woozens!

How's your week going? Gooooood? Covered in snow yet?

Happy Thanksgiving, American Woozens! AAAND......Happy Thursday to the rest of ya :P

We've got everything Thanksgiving for you today! Check out the Thanksgiving Maze, Quiz, AND Poll! BUT before that, make sure you check out all the fun activities comin' your way this week!

This is what you can expect in Woozworld this week:

Thurs November 26: Keep it cozy this season! Head to Shopz for the new outfits! Don't forget to check out this week's Treasure Thursday question! Grab your dancing shoes a bust a move with these Thanksgiving Tracks!

Fri November 27: Who loves math? YOU love math! Head to Duck Run for a round of fast math! AND check out these gorgeous Woozen Furni Unitz Designs AND marvellous Mask Selfies!

Sat November 28: Mix and match your faaaave Black Friday looks for the Black Friday Selfie Contest!

Sun November 29: Big fan of Mazes? Why not create your own in the Woozen Maze Unitz Design Contest!

Mon November 30: A new Star of the Week is born! Find out who won.

Tues December 1: You won't wanna miss this week's Woozen Game! AAAAND team up and enter into the Wholesome Holiday Video Contest!

Wed December 2: Wednesdays were made to be wAcKy! Check out this week's wAcKy WeDnEsDaY.........and keep your eyes peeled for this week's Wacky Wednesday Contest! Say it ain't so? Another Woozen Game! And check out these winning Black Friday Selfies!

What are you most looking forward to this week? Let me know in the comments :)

Guac 'n' roll!


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