WoozNewZ: November 19 - November 25
Hiihiiii Woozens!
How's your week going? Gooooood? NOICE.
It's Max's birthday this weekend! Throw him an awesome party using items from the Party Furniture in ShopZ and he miiiiiight pay you a nice visit on Monday! Just make sure to have Max's Bday Party in the title of your Unitz! Once you've planned out your bday party, why not check out all the fun, fun, fun coming your way!
This is what you can expect in Woozworld this week:
Thurs November 19: Warm up in style with the latest looks! Head to Shopz for the new outfits! Don't forget to check out this week's Treasure Thursday question! Is your Fall Festival outfit ready yet? Check out these winning Fall Festival Selfies for some inspo!
Fri November 20: The winners of the Fall Festival Unitz Design will be announced, but not before you grab some pals and meet up at Woozworld's very first Fall Festival! AND tip your hat to these Wacky Wednesday Selfie winners!
Sat November 21: Design your very own Unitz with YOUR furniture in the Woozen Furni Unitz Design Contest!
Sun November 22: American Thanksgiving is comin' up! Thyme to bust a rhyme for the Thanksgiving Tracks Writing Contest!
Mon November 23: A new Star of the Week is born! Find out who won. Follow Max and celebrate his birthday in YOUR Unitz!
Tues November 24: Hear ye, hear ye, make way for these Royal Drawings! AAAAAND make way for this week's Woozen Game!
Wed November 25: Wednesdays were made to be wAcKy! Check out this week's wAcKy WeDnEsDaY.........and keep your eyes peeled for this week's Wacky Wednesday Contest! Sup, Sagittarius pals! It's your time to shine at Horoscopes!
What are you most looking forward to this week? Let me know in the comments :)
Guac 'n' roll!