WoozNewZ: May 21 - May 27

Hihihiii Woozens!

How IS it going? Good? GREAT!

Did you enter into the Comic Drawing Contest? We're revealing the winner later today! Make sure to check out our Instagram page to find out who won!

This is what you can expect in Woozworld this week:

Thurs May 21: M & M is making a marvellous comeback! Check out the latest and greatest looks in ShopZ! Don't forget to check out the new Treasure Thursday Blog! AND grab your Gemini gang and head to Horoscopes!

Fri May 22: The winners of the Rockstar Selfie Contest AND the Throwback Unitz Design Contest will be revealed! Keep your eyes peeled for ANOTHER Selfie Contest!

Sat May 23: It's time to pair up! Grab your bestie and strike a pose for the Beach Bae Couple's Selfie Contest!

Sun May 24: BBQ season is practically here! We're curious about your go-to menu! Let us know in the BBQ Buffet! There's also a Woozen Poll with your name on it!

Mon May 25: A new Star of the Week is born! Find out who won. Have we visited your Runway Unitz yet? Don't worry, there are more visits coming!

Tues May 26: The winners of the Paparazzi Selfie Contest will be revealed! Then, think quick and win a round of ScatterBrainZ!

Wed May 27: Wednesdays were made to be wAcKy! Check out this week's wAcKy WeDnEsDaY.....and keep your eyes peeled for the newest Wacky Wednesday Contest! Speaking of wacky, get craAaAaAazy at a round of Crazy Closet!

What are you most looking forward to this week? Let me know in the comments :)

Guac 'n' roll!


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