WoozNewZ: June 18 - June 24
Hihihiii Woozens!
How IS it going? Good? GOOD!
Suuuuuuurely, you've heard the amazing news about PROM! Who's excited!?
It's still a couple of weeks away, but fear not, we've got a full week of fun to keep you busy until then!
This is what you can expect in Woozworld this week:
Thurs June 18: Round up the squad and hit up Woozstead Valley in style with these new outfits! Giddy up and head to Shopz for the latest looks! Don't forget to check out the new Treasure Thursday Blog!
Fri June 19: You won't wanna miss these winning Pride Unitz! AND keep your eyes peeled for the Prom Selfie Contest!
Sat June 20: It's FINALLY the first ACTUAL day of summer! What better way to celebrate than with a Summer Unitz Design Contest!
Sun June 21: Happy Father's Day! Check out all of your Dad Jokes in the latest blog! AND don't forget to check out the Father's Day Quiz!
Mon June 22: A new Star of the Week is born! Find out who won. Calling all Cancers, it's your time to shine at Horoscopes!
Tues June 23: Test out you ABC's at a round of ScatterBrainz! AND the winners of the Prom Selfie Contest will be revealed!
Wed June 24: Wednesdays were made to be wAcKy! Check out this week's wAcKy WeDnEsDaY........and keep your eyes peeled for the latest Wacky Wednesday Contest!
What are you most looking forward to this week? Let me know in the comments :)
Guac 'n' roll!