WoozNewZ: June 11 - June 17
Hihihiii Woozens!
How IS it going?
We've got a heckin' good week full of fun comin' at ya! Check out this week's event down below!
This is what you can expect in Woozworld this week:
Thurs June 11: You'll look darn tootin' stylish in these brand new outfits! Giddy up and head to Shopz for the latest looks! Don't forget to check out the new Treasure Thursday Blog! There's also a good ol' game of Revenge happening!
Fri June 12: Take those rootin' tootin' stylish outfits to these winning Wild West Unitz! AND you won't wanna miss these winning Sports Selfies!
Sat June 13: We wanna see you show off your PRIDE! Enter into the Pride Unitz Contest AND the Pride Selfie Contest!
Sun June 14: Father's Day is coming up...and what's more fitting than a Dad Joke Writing Contest? That's right, nothing.
Mon June 15: A new Star of the Week is born! Find out who won.
Tues June 16: Team up head to CrossWordZ to test out your ABC's!
Wed June 17: Wednesdays were made to be wAcKy! Check out this week's wAcKy WeDnEsDaY! Speaking of wacky, un-leash your wild side and head to Crazy Closet! AND the winners of the Pride Selfie Contest will be revealed!
What are you most looking forward to this week? Let me know in the comments :)
Guac 'n' roll!