WoozNewZ: July 22 - July 28
Hiihiiii Woozens!
How IS it going? Good? GREAT!
Did you hear the great news? CampWZW's Capture The Flag competition has been extended to July 28! The hustle never stops around here :P
BUT- If you're looking to take a nice little coffee break, why not sit back and check out all the good fun headed your way this week!
This is what you can expect in Woozworld this week:
Thurs July 22: Sizzle all summer long with the hottest styles! Check out the new outfits in ShopZ! Cozy up and check out these amaZZZing PJ Party Selfies!
Fri July 23: Kick back and hang out in your fave CampWZW Unitz Designs!
Sat July 24: Let's take this lakeside party to the poolside! Make a splash in the Waterpark Unitz Design Contest!
Sun July 25: Can you believe it's almost August and we haven't had a Summer Selfie Contest yet?!
Mon July 26: A new Star of the Week is born! Find out who won.
Tues July 27: Get outta control at a round of Crazy Closet!
Wed July 28: Wednesdays were made to be wAcKy! Show off your wild style in the latest Wacky Wednesday Selfie Contest! AND swoon over these adorable Wedding Couple Selfies! AND head to Instagram for another round of Ask Me Anything!
What are you most looking forward to this week? Let me know in the comments! :)
Guac 'n' roll!