Selfie Contest: Woozcars Movie Character Winners
Hey Woozens,
As you know, the Woozcars were this past weekend! Did you watch them? What. A. Night! To celebrate Hollywood's BIGGEST night, we asked you to hit the big screen in style! We wanted to see you recreate your faaaaaave film fit using aaaanything from ShopZ! As usual, we got a ton of entries, so you know this was not an easy decision!
Check out our faves below.
Lillienen - Neytiri: Avatar
Mujer - Hiro: Big Hero 6
-DisneyChannel- - Moana: Moana
Cupcake37 - The Mad Hatter: Alice in Wonderland
EquallyDivided - Ginny Weasley: Harry Potter
BloodClotz - Red: Us
Mintchip24 - Coraline Jones: Coraline
EmaQuinn - Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes
-mayfair - Sally: The Nightmare Before Christmas
-BitterDesires- - Foxxy Cleopatra: Gold Member
-kitara - Wanda Maximoff: Avengers: End Game
Tristan143apl - Forrest Gump: Forrest Gump
Congrats, Woozens! The winners above will receive a sweet Woozen prize!