Scientists Unite To Create SHOW
Healthy Woozens,
We, the scientists of Woozdale High, are here to inform you about our new organization, the Science and Health Organization of Woozworld (SHOW). We're here to make sure you stay healthy and safe this Halloween season.
As you may remember, Halloween hasn't always been the safest time for Woozens. In 2014, the Woozworld Health Organization (WHO) fell to its demise after the outrageously contagious Zombeardtosis disease spread like wildfire in Woozworld. Since then, there has been no one to make sure you Woozens are safe from terrible, contagious diseases.
Until now.
Since SHOW is still in its beginning stages, we need some Woozen help. Every new experiment needs a trial run, right? We'll let you know as soon as we're ready for you, our volunteers!
We hope to serve you well,
(Hamilton . Hunter . Mills . Mills . Ziggins)