Prom Royalty

Dearest Woozens,

The moment has arrived to prove that you are among the elite, the crème de la crème of Woozworld!

Yes, it's time to claim your rightful place as Prom Royalty. Becoming royalty is no easy feat - it requires dedication, flair, and a touch of creativity.

Here's your royal roadmap to victory:

- First, submit your most regal selfie and tell us why you should be crowned prom royalty and what royal duties you would fulfill. Submit your entry HERE or tap this button in-game:

- Participate in as many contests as you can! Shine in Star of the Week, dazzle in Unitz contests, and excel in special monthly challenges. Enter EVERY contest you can!

- Host your own events! Entertain and delight fellow Woozens with your activities, games, and parties. Make your realm the place to be!

- Remember, your conduct throughout the month will also be under scrutiny. So, be on your best behavior, assist newcomers, and exemplify what it means to be a noble Woozen.

Your entries will be reviewed until the day before prom, and then the winners will be announced. Those who rise to the occasion will earn a prestigious title, a stunning profile theme, and 100 GrabZ tokens.

May this prom season bring out your inner royalty and let the grand competition begin!

Yours truly,
