Prom 2k22: Update

Prom-loving Woozens,

As you know, the fight for Prom 2k22 Royalty has ended!

This year, we decided to use our new feature, the Social Contest Window. Since this is a new feature we've had, as you can imagine, a snag here and there. This year, we announced that we would be crowning our winners AT Prom on Thursday, June 30 and that we would be investigating the winners before the announcement. Unfortunately, we had a small technical difficulty with the Social Contest Window, and the winners were already revealed.

We have since removed the results page and are, as promised, investigating for cheating and foul play.

Sadly, with this technical difficulty, we will need a bit more time to go through our winners' list and will not be able to announce the winners AT Prom. We will announce and reward the winners as soon as we can in an upcoming blog.

We want Prom to be a fair and fun event for all.

Thanks for understanding.
