New York Woozmas

Jolly woozens

Woozmas is here, and we'll celebrate it in style!

Lose yourself in the streets of New York: party in Time Square, or go ice skating at the Rockefeller! You can also take it easy and chill with a pizza on some apartment building's stairs. No dream is too big or too small! Feel like a true superstar, walking through the same neighborhoods as some of the greatest musicians in history!

We have an UnitZ Design Contest coming your way, so you can create your own corner of New York right here in Woozworld! Are you going to replicate a real place or create something new? It is up to you!

Also, in a few days, the Woozmas calendar will be here to help you celebrate the holidays until January!

Hohoho, and Merry Woozmas Woozens!

Woozworld Staff

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