Lend a helping hand

Relaxed Woozens,
How 'bout that lakeside view?
Speaking of views, it's a little hard to miss a pair of ripped overalls in the woods, don't you think? Our old pal, Builder Jack, has been spotted in the woods by the cottage. We stopped by and asked him what he was doing all the way up here:
"Ah, jeez. Ya know, ol' Jack has got oodles o' orders comin' in! Ya wouldn't believe it, I had to come all the way out here to gather me some wood. My shop is plum out! Only problem, ol' Jack's arms ain't quite big enough to carry all this here wood.
Say, ya don't think ya know any helpful Woozens that could lend me a hand, do ya? I could make it worth they's while for the troubles. Ya know ol' Jack is a man of his word.
'sentially what I need is WOOD! All sorts'a wood! Regular, Flimsy, Sturdy... I'll take whatever they got!"
Well, you heard it here first. If anyone can come to Builder Jack's rescue, we know it's you! Check out your Quest Journal and find meet up with your old pal.......... You may even get some sweet Wooz for helping him out!