Hairy and Merry Selfie Contest

FloofleZ Lovers!

Although FloofleZ may be hairy and quirky, they are still our friends and deserve to have fashion options just like everyone else in Woozworld.

This week, we invite you to dress up with your FloofleZ BestiZ and show us the stylish side of both you and your new friend!

It's not only about looks; show how well you have connected and how your styles complement each other.

Please read the rules before sending your photo.

- You must be the only Woozen in the photo with your FloofleZ BestiZ

- Respect the code of conduct.

- Respect the theme of the contest.

- Your Selfie can be submitted until Jun 18, 11:59 pm W.T.

- If the rules are not respected, the participation will not be taken into account.

- Winner will get 5k wooz, 250k beex, an achievement+title and a indication to be Prom Nominee.

To submit, click HERE!

Good luck!
