Get Chocolate deadBunn1 Heads with Wooz
Easter is weeks away but our chocolate craving is starting now!
Today you will find the 2018 Easter GrabZ back in ShopZ, giving you a chance at grabbing some Easter classics. We've also added in a Strawberry Chocolate deadbunn1 Head into the mix. It's adorable, pink and sweet. It won't melt, but you might!
Also, today until April 8 at 9AM WT, for every 2,500 Wooz you receive from the Woozworld Store, you will get an exclusive Chocolate deadbunn1 Head that will N E V E R be sold in ShopZ. There will be a maximum of 13 per Woozen.
Your first 3 will be White Chocolate, then Dark Chocolate, then Milk Chocolate and in the last group, you'll receive one of each (including the Strawberry Chocolate).
It's gonna be SWEET! All that's left for you to decide is... What's YOUR favorite kind of chocolate? Let us know in the comments!
Your chocolate-loving Woozband