Comic Drawing Contest: Do It For The Gram!

Hey Woozens!

Surely you are already following the Woozworld Instagram page (If you aren't, you're really missing out!), which means that surely you've noticed the weekly comic that is posted on Thursdays!

For the month of May, Woozworld is focusing on revamping the Woozworld clothing boutiques! Which means that the M & M boutique is up next for a glow up! You know what that means.....Beach wear is on it's way!

For next week's comic, we wanna see YOU get in touch with your creative side and draw a cute and funny comic strip for Woozworld's Instagram page! We're looking for a 1-2 panel cartoon/comic WITHOUT text that is focused on everyone's fave place to get away...The BEACH!

Check back in the Contests Category of the Navigator tomorrow (Saturday) to read alllllll the rules!

We can't wait to see what you come up with!