Are You An Ultimate SpellZ Caster?

Are you loving the SpellZ?

With their return, we wanted to put you SpellZ casting Woozens through the ultimate SpellZ test. Starting December 26 at 12AM WT and ending January 3rd at 11:59PM, we will host a contest to see who can cast the most SpellZ. The leaderboard will reset every day at midnight meaning every day is a new chance to be #1.

The top Woozen on the leaderboard will receive 20 unreleased SpellZ (they will be in ShopZ only on Jan 6), 10 color tokens and an achievement and title.

The top 20 on the leaderboard will receive 1 unreleased SpellZ (they will be in ShopZ only on Jan 6) and 2 color tokens.

Get out there and cast those SpellZ!

Woozworld Staff