All you need is Luux!


Exciting news for our start in Woozworld!

We have some awesome changes and cool features coming your way. Emojis will be joining the fun soon, and new contests like Pixel Art are on the horizon.

But guess what? One thing we've been super eager to share with you is already here - Introducing Luux!

Luux is our brand-new resource, earned from the Luux Offers. With Luux, you'll be able to craft loads of Resources and Items to make your Woozworld experience even more awesome!

What can you get with Luux?

Well, the possibilities are endless! Chuck Tokens, Recolour Tokens, Beex, Energy, special promotions, classic items making a comeback, and sometimes, even exclusive items.

And here's a little extra excitement - VIP players can craft more VIP Tokens.

Plus, depending on how long they've been VIPs, they might even snag a sweet 25% discount on everything craft with Luux!

Great news for our mobile players - you can already grab Luux from our offer wall! Web players, don't fret; it'll be available for you soon.

But if you're feeling a little impatient, connect your account to a mobile device and start playing to collect your Luux right away!

Now, turning your Luux into awesome rewards is a piece of cake!

Click right HERE to head straight to the crafting table, or use the Luux button directly in Woozworld.

Stay tuned for more fun updates.

Woozworld Staff

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