Woozalia's Tabloid

Hey Woozens,

Can you believe this madness?

The management of the Royal Woozalia Resort denied me access due to my reputation as a troublemaker and gossip hound.

However, I admit to my faults, but who hasn't been guilty of some mischief?

I've said it once, and I'll say it again – THEY CAN'T STOP US ALL!

Have you heard the news? It seems like a few of the Woozens have landed a job as resort staff members.

They get to hang out with the guests and have access to all the VIP zones. It sounds like a pretty sweet gig, don't you think? I have to admit, I'm a little jealous.

Let's not dwell on minor setbacks. I have a mission for you.

This time, you're giving me the details. Remember when I shared about the resort? Now it's time for payback. It's called "professional courtesy."

Sneak into the resort and snap a selfie fit for the front page of a tabloid! We're talking gossip, scandal, the whole shebang.

It doesn't matter if it's fact or fiction; people only read the headlines and check out the pics, right?

Rest assured, I still have connections.

The best tabloids will receive a 3000 Wooz reward and a special title, announcing to the world that YOU have a nose for the truth!

Check out the rules if you must, but seriously, just get those pics rolling right here!


- Your selfie must be taken inside the Royal Woozalia Resort, showcasing some fresh gossip.

- Your selfie must have a Headline and a small text (max 200 characters) explaining what is the gossip.

- This contest is individual, but your friends can help you stage the scene of your picture

- Please ensure that your picture adheres to the theme and complies with the Woozworld code of conduct.

- Your submission must be done and sent by February 19, at 3 p.m. W.T.

Always after the truth,
