Selfie Contest: BFF Fashionista Winners

Hey Woozens!

As you know, Sunday was International Friendship Day! What better way to celebrate than with a good ol' fashioned Couple's Selfie Contest?! We asked you and your BFF to strike a pose for the occasion! Using a mix of items from the New Outfits category with stuff from the Forever Teen Clothing category of ShopZ, we asked you to pair up and celebrate your friendship in style! We got a ton of entries, so you know this was not an easy decision.

Check out our faves below.

CheIs & YellowMermaid

-Alichuuu & -Takehumi

Cynicals & Azulah

HeyItsZwigglez & stephanie26607

Gabzox & xAnita

Covn & Akyio

leyla014 & Clairen

EIoquent & zacxhy

Tayrific & -HeartBroken

Earlene & Sakali

Congrats, Woozens! The winners above will receive a sweet Woozen prize!