New Marketplace (Web Version)

A major update to the marketplace has been released! Please read below for all the details.

Shopping in the new Marketplace

Finding what you're looking for in the Marketplace is easier than ever!

When you do a search, all the offers for a specific item will be combined together. For example if you're looking at the list of garments sold and click on one -


and you will see a list of this item being currently offered by other Woozens, all the different colour and price option as well as the time before the offers expire.


This way, you can easily see every option at the same time and can easily compare prices! When you've made up your mind, simply click on the one you want to purchase it!

When searching for items in the Marketplace, you have access to a few options:


  • Type / Category: Filter the results based on the item type and category you're looking for (just like before)
  • Item name: Type the name of the item you're looking for
  • Max Beex: How much you're willing to spend on the item, so you won't be tempted to go over budget 

Enjoy selling Woozens,

Your Woozband